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Living benefit

"Life Insurance you don't have to die to use." Accelerated Benefit Riders are optional, no-additional cost riders that can allow you to access all or part of your death benefit, while living, if you experience a qualifying terminal, chronic, or critical illness, or critical injury.

Your clients may benefit from having built-in living benefits for qualifying chronic, critical and terminal illnesses or conditions with a guaranteed minimum benefit and an accelerated lifetime maximum benefit up to $2,000,000.

Senior Patient

Chronic Illness Accelerated Benefit

Chronic illnesses are typically conditions suffered for a long
period of time, during which normal daily living is disrupted.
The qualifying illness or conditions affect the ability to perform
simple tasks like eating or dressing without assistance; or, they
may also involve severe cognitive impairment that necessitates
substantial supervision, such as Alzheimer’s disease.
The illness or condition does not need to be considered
permanent, but must impair the insured where he or she
is unable to perform at least two Activities of Daily Living

• Bathing
• Dressing
• Toileting
• Transferring
• Continence
• Eating


Health Technician at Work

Critical Illness Accelerated Benefit

Critical illnesses often come suddenly and without warning,
and the financial affect can be life-altering. Quality of Life
Insurance can help you reduce the financial effects of the
following qualifying critical illnesses or conditions:

• Major Heart Attack
• Coronary Artery Bypass
• Stroke
• Major Organ Transplant
• End Stage Renal Failure
• Paralysis
• Coma
• Severe Burn
• Invasive Cancer
• Blood Cancers: Leukemia,
Lymphoma, Multiple
Myeloma and


Kayaking into Sunset

Terminal Illness Accelerated Benefit

Quality of Life Insurance can help you financially make the
most of your remaining journey following a terminal illness
diagnosis. Terminal illnesses are defined as those in which a
physician reasonably expects will result in the insured person’s
death within 24 months















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